PHSE at The Avenue
PSHE is an integral part in our school life. It is integrated into all parts of the curriculum both in PSHE lessons and throughout every school day. There are 3 main aspects to PSHE delivery; Relationships, Health and Wellbeing and Living in the Wider World. We set realistic and challenging targets for our pupils and support and guide them in developing PSHE skills. The experiences we offer our pupils help build an understanding of who they are and what they can achieve and so begin a journey of personal development. This personalised support is delivered throughout each Key Stage in the following ways;
KS1 – Learning about myself
- Knowing myself
- People around me
- Looking after our environment
- Making choices
- Sharing
- RSE & Staying Safe
KS2 – Learning more about ourselves
- Changes
- Financial Education
- Healthy choices
- Keeping safe in the wider world
- RSC & Staying Safe
KS3 – Wider understanding
- Relationships (self-worth, school community and jobs and love and care)
- Drug education including medicines
- Me and my lifeskills
- Me and my sexual expression
- Local conservation issues
- Personal health and safety
- Physical self
- Morals, manners and helping others
- Understanding emotions