Letters Home


  1. The Avenue School Recycling Project – Summer term 2024
  2. The Avenue School - Summer 1 2024 Dates for Diary
  3. The Avenue School - Newsletter - Spring 2 2024
  4. The Avenue School - Community 24.3.24
  5. The Avenue School - Parent and Carer Survey Spring 2024
  6. Brent Goes Global and Young Brent Foundation
  7. The Avenue School - Community 8.3.24
  8. DAREMANOR letter to Manor and Avenue.docx
  9. World Book Day 2024
  10. Th Avenue School - Class Timetables letter Spring 2024
  11. The Avenue School Shop 2024
  12. Parent and Carers Week - Careers Week 2024
  13. Language and Phase 2 Phonics Sounds Parents and Carers session March 2024
  14. The Avenue School - Parent and Carers Online Safety Session
  15. Dates for Diary - Spring 2 2024
  16. The Avenue School - Newsletter Spring 2024
  17. The Avenue School - Parent Reading Hub 2024
  18. The Avenue School - Parent and Carer Survey - January 2024
  19. The Avenue School - Community 2.2.24
  20. The Avenue School - Community 30.1.24
  21. The Avenue School - Community 25.1.24
  22. Avenue Lunch Menu - Spring half term 2024
  23. The Avenue School - Recycling Project – Spring term 2024
  24. The Avenue School - Spring 2024 PIP Target letter
  25. Avenue Lunch Menu - Spring half term 2024
  26. The Avenue School - Community 18.1.24
  27. The Avenue School - Community 17.1.24
  28. The Avenue School - Community 16.1.24
  29. The Avenue School - Community 12.1.24
  30. Dates for Diary - Spring Term 2024
  31. The Avenue School - School Gateway - Parent engagement application
  32. The Avenue School - School Gateway - Access Guide
  33. The Avenue School - School Gateway - Meal Manager Parent Guide
  34. The Avenue School - Newsletter - December 2023
  35. The Avenue School - Christmas Jumper day 2023
  36. The Avenue School - The Avenue Christmas Menu 2023
  37. The Avenue School - Invitation to Parent and Carer Talk - Supporting your child at home with Educational Psychologist
  38. The Avenue School - Children in Need 2023 - SPOTacular
  39. The Avenue - Foundation for Phonics Parents and Carers session
  40. The Avenue School - Inspection Report - Nov 2023
  41. The Avenue School - Ofsted Inspection Outcome letter - Parents and Carers
  42. Dates for Diary - Autumn 2 2023
  43. The Avenue School - Annual Review
  44. The Avenue School - Recycle Project 2023
  45. The Avenue School - Photography
  46. Dates for diary - Autumn Term 2023
  47. The Avenue School - Procedures for reporting and sharing pupil progress
  48. The Avenue School - Welcome Letter from Headteacher - Ms Rachel Rai
  49. The Avenue School Newsletter - Summer 2024