Careers Programme
As part of the Avenue School’s commitment to support our pupils to ‘RISE’ - by being Resilient, Independent, Skilled and Expressive we follow a ‘Careers at Every Level’ approach and make exploring jobs, workplaces and developing skills for the world of work a focus in every year group across the school.
Pupils in Key stage 1 and 2 will explore jobs and workplaces linked to their learning theme each half term. This is complemented by the school’s ongoing focus on personalised learning and developing functional skills, and promoting Social, Emotional and Mental Health skills alongside pupils’ academic progression.
In Key stage 3 pupils begin to increasingly focus on Preparing for Adulthood. Careers Education and exploring the world of work continues to be delivered as part of class learning themes each half term alongside more in depth work through completing units from the ASDAN My Independence: Exploring Aspirations course.
Additionally, at Key stage 3 pupils will be offered Careers Education Guidance, and regular encounters with employers and education providers in line with statutory guidelines and in a manner that is accessible to our pupils.
At Key stages 4 and 5 pupils follow the ASDAN Personal Progress and Life skills Challenge Qualifications, continuing to focus on a range of Preparation for Adulthood and Careers activities including Careers Education Guidance, Work Experience, both on and off site if appropriate, and regular encounters with employers and education providers.
Careers Lead | Amy McNicholas:
Useful links for staff, parents/carers and pupils