British Values

We believe that we need to continue to promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all pupils and we believe in the importance of endorsing British values.

RPT schools have a strong ethos in developing British Values and the understanding of the many different faiths, races and cultures and how to deal with them effectively.  By showing respect, tolerance and inclusion as well as staff modelling these values we are actively promoting fundamental British Values. 

RPT have a strong commitment to promoting equality including anti-racism.

At RPT schools we deliver upon our commitment  through the Curriculum, Assemblies, PSHE and SEAL activities, staff training and performance development and our approaches to promoting cultural capital and diversity throughout the curriculum.


Democracy is widespread within RPT schools.  The teaching of communication skills that will enable our young peoples voices to be heard is central to our curriculum intent.  Where pupils are able to participate, they have the opportunity to have their voices heard through School Council and opportunities to be ambassadors for their school.  Membership of school Council is a peer elected position.

All pupils receive bespoke support to develop their communication skills so that those not yet able to express themselves through school council are supported to develop the functional communication they need to ensure that their needs are met and their desires fulfilled.

RPT have established links with a special school in Ghana.  Through this work and further work the schools have undertaken pupils have worked on gaining an understanding of a variety of global citizenship outlooks, including:

  • having a positive sense of identity
  • being open to new ideas
  • having a sense of interdependence
  • having a desire to make a difference
  • having a commitment to rights and responsibilities

Throughout RPT schools we also promote Communication Rights that help children to access what it means to have rights and to be able to communicate them.

Pupils across RPT schools have opportunities to develop a range of skills including:

  • self-awareness
  • empathy
  • creative thinking
  • identity and belonging
  • fairness and equality
  • rights and responsibility
  • collaborating
  • communicating
  • taking action

The Rule of Law

The importance of Laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country, are constantly reinforced with the children in their time spent in RPT schools as well as when dealing with challenging behaviours, circle times within the classroom and at whole school and weekly key stage assemblies.  The children are taught through PSHE/SEAL lessons the value and reasons behind laws and breaking rules, that govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when the laws are broken.   Where able, classes devise individual personalised class rules which help children in their personal and social development.

We have links to the local police, fire services and transport for London who visit the schools to carry out various workshops for the children.  These experiences help children develop their knowledge and understanding of British Rules and of the people who help us live safely in Britain. 

Individual Liberty

Within RPT schools, a way to promote democratic engagement is through the pupil’s voice. At RPT schools, our children are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.  Staff will continue to develop young children to work together as a community.   All staff educate and provide boundaries for young pupils to make choices safely, through the provision of a safe environment and empowering education.  Children are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advise how to exercise these safely for example through our E-Safety and PSHE and Citizenship lessons.

Mutual Respect

The ethos and behaviour policy at RPT has revolved around Core Values such as ‘Respect’. Pupils have been part of discussions and assemblies have been related to what this means and how it is shown.  Posters in classrooms and around the school promote respect for others and this is reiterated through classroom rules as well as the behaviour policy.

Tolerance of Different Faith, Beliefs and Language

This is achieved through enhancing pupils understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society and by giving them opportunities to experience such diversity.  Assemblies and discussions involving prejudice and school based bullying have been followed and supported by learning in RE and PSHE.  RPT schools encourage celebration of religious ceremonies, languages and respect for different languages. This is embraced in our music curriculum, linking languages spoken by EAL pupils.  Members of different faiths and religions are encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance learning within classes and through school assemblies. Our International day especially celebrates this diversity.

We believe that teaching British values has a crucial role in education, because it plays a part in raising achievement and encourages pupils to be as active as they possibly can.

Values education supports quality teaching and learning, whilst making a positive contribution to the development of a fair, just and civil society.

The values RPT schools embrace include:

  • Tolerance
  • Cooperation
  • Respect
  • Understanding
  • Responsibility

At RPT schools, teaching and learning about values takes place in the following ways:

  • By teachers explaining the meaning of the value
  • By pupils reflecting on the value and what it means to them and their own behaviour
  • By pupils using the value to guide their own actions
  • By staff modelling the value through their own behaviour
  • By ensuring that values are taught implicitly through every aspect of the curriculum including  the work of the school council
  • By involving all staff, trustees, governors and parents in understanding this British Values Policy.